Count Your Blessings Not Your Calories!

Count Your Blessings NOT Your Calories!

It’s a New Year! I can't even believe it myself...2020 was crazy, but I'm looking forward to 2021. How about you? 

A new year also means people want to start loosing weight...It's a time to see all the mumbo-jumbo about losing fat here and losing inches there mentioned. Counting, tracking, and magic pill popping. Time for all the ranting and raving about getting fit and time for “diet” items to be displayed in the supermarket. 

Don’t get me wrong, our health is super-duper important. I believe we should take care of ourselves, but as a past dieter, food restrictor, and avid calorie counter, I can’t stand the new year, new you bull crap. Each time I see it I get sick to my stomach and upset for those who fall victim. I’m blunt because I know it caused me so much pain to want to fit into a certain body type. In the past, my exterior was more important than the interior. For it’s time for us to build something long term. Something that’s NOT your weight, height, body image, etc. Something that builds your self-esteem, not breaks it. Ya with me? 

You know what I want it to be time for? Counting blessings NOT calories! That’s right, the title says it all. I say this new year (and beyond) start counting your blessings. Why? Because gratitude brings more gratitude. Focusing on the good, brings more good. You may feel that you don’t have anything to be thankful for, but I bet that’s not the case. The fact that you're a living human being on this planet means you are not used up and have a lot to give. 

Things I’ve learned once I stopped counting the digits and started becoming appreciative:

1.) Life is short (WAYYYY shorter than we expect). It’s goes by too fast to live by a calculator. You miss out on a lot when you’re counting day in and day out.

2.) Smell the roses (or whatever you like to smell). Take a moment to notice EVERYTHING in your surroundings and smile often. There’s so much power in a smile and so much beauty everyday.

3.) Make peace with realizing it’s OK to not be perfect. It’s normal to not eat 100% clean and normal not to exercise like a bat outta hell. Your mental health depends on it. 

4.) You'll feel less stress when you stop counting. We all have problems, I understand. However, focusing on blessings helps us rebound and bounce back from difficulties.

5.) Saying thank you to your body is not an understatement. Say thanks everyday even if it feels weird. 

These are just a couple tips that have helped me along the way. I know there's more when you emerge yourself in noticing them and I know it’s hard to even think about not living by the number, but it can be done with intuitive eating. Don’t waste your life living by a number. It’s not serving you. 

Need more help? I’d love to work with you. Found out more here, and set up a free self-love call with me. 

In the meantime, we will talk soon! 

Toodles, Kayla 

Contact Info: 



Beauty of Self-Assurance

I almost feel like a hypocrite for saying this, but I’ve had a really hard time with self-assurance lately. I reckon this is why I had to rant about it. Not only does it help me to write about it, from a place of vulnerability and hold myself accountable, but I hope it helps you understand the beauty of how and why to become more self-assured.

So what the heck is it; right? To me, self-assurance starts with self-awareness. By becoming aware of who you are as a person, what you like, what you dislike, all makes you tune in to your own self-awareness. At least for me anyways, I’ve had to dig deep to find out who I am at my core. This takes some major soul searching, but I promise you will get there. 

My next tip to finding your own self-assurance starts with self-worth. Lots of times, I always felt like I needed others validation in order to prove my own worthiness. This can be a hindrance on our own growth and living up to our fullest potential. When I’m not at my best peak state of mind, I can easily get caught in my head and overthinking EVERY. LITTLE. THING! Have you done this? Gosh, I HATE overthinking. Remember my post about taking an adult time out awhile back? If not, check it out. That’s why taking an adult time out is oh so important for mental health. 

Thirdly, self-assurance has caused me to trust. Trust what is meant for me will be. Trusting that good things are going to happen FOR YOU NOT AGAINST YOU eases the burden of not being able to trust. From my own personal journey, it’s hard to trust when you can’t see light at the end of the tunnel. I knew this all too well when I was recovering from my eating disorders. I never would’ve thought intuitive eating would last. You can read more on my journey here. But other things and situations in my life have made me rely on a higher power to lead the way when I felt weak and unsure. I’m thankful for that.  

Lastly, self-assurance take grit, stamina, integrity…Whatever you wanna call it. Self-assurance takes that focus and eager to be strong even if you feel weak. You don’t have to walk around with a cob up your you know what, but you can walk around like you are driven and passionate. Being passionate is a great attribute to becoming confident in your own skin. It can get overlooked if you aren’t careful. 

You see, these tips are something I’ve struggled with time and time again. But with practice, compassion, and self-love, I have to say, self-assurance is possible. It’s totally possible to love who you are, take time for others, and walk away from those feelings and emotions that no longer serve you. Have a good day, and we will definitely talk soon! 



Contact Info: 



It’s Never Too Late…Time to Motivate!  

It’s Never Too Late…Time to Motivate!  

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing- that’s why we recommend it daily,” Zig Ziglar. 

Although this quote makes me laugh every time, how true is it that we sometimes fail at motivation? I know, I sure I do. I know I can have moments where I jump off the train track and not get back on; if I don’t make myself. There’s time where I just wanna be left alone, lazy, and blah! Times where I need a pick me up (and I don’t even like coffee anymore!). Times where I just need a push.  How about you? 

So what can we do when we’re stuck in a rut? For me, it starts with coming up with a plan, a goal, a wish. It starts with something that gets me excited. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, just something that you feel good about and you can stick with. Consistency is key! 

Secondly, don’t let fear take over. Fear sucks! Plain and simple. But don’t let it hold you back from your reason to keep going and growing. Every time we do something out of our comfort zone it makes us stronger. In some way, shape, or form, this can help us say, “hey that wasn’t so bad after all.”

Getting inspiration from others is another way to stay inspired. There’s nothing wrong with spending time with those who are willing to let you in on their secret to success! I heard this once on a motivational speech…"Spend time with a rich person if you wanna know how they got rich, they’ll probably be glad to tell ya."

Stay positive! As best as you can, realize there is light at the end of the tunnel. This can recharge us from all the negative energy and allows our inner youth to shine. When you feel the urge to be negative….ask yourself:

  • What can I learn here? What am I learning about myself?

  • What’s something good that is coming out of this?

Be kind to yourself even if you mess up. It’s gonna happen. Just make sure you aren’t condemning yourself. Self-love goes a long way! 

My favorite one, I’ll save the best for last…STOP comparing yourself to others! That’s right, quit thinking Sally has all her ducks in a row. I can guarantee she’s tried hard, failed hard, and tried again. We all do. That’s part of life. Beating yourself up won’t get to you to stay interested. Instead, it will deflate you like a balloon. 

OK; my friends, hopefully you find these tips helpful when you’re feeling funky, junky, or just plain uninspired. You aren’t alone on this journey of life, but I promise, with practice and patience you can learn how to self-motivate, which in turn, motivates others. 

Have a great day….We will be in touch soon! 



What is health to you?

What is health to you?

We often find ourselves being told what health is by doctors, by practitioners, the media, news, so many different sources that we think we can trust, we often forget the most important one to apply this question to. With that being said, doctors, health care practitioners and other members of our healthcare team,  definitely help guide us and keep us on track. It is up to us to ask the questions, then decide for ourselves what we need so we can tailor what will work best for us. 

When I finally asked myself what was health to me, I honestly struggled. 

Many would say when I was a young adult, I was healthy because I was at the right weight, my skin looked pretty healthy(a little acne), lots of energy, and all my labs came back normal. According to the standard, I seemed healthy. 

However, I couldn't run a mile without hurting and barely being able to walk the next day. I had some of the worst insomnia of my life in my early twenties and up until my early thirties (I honestly can not remember when I slept average hours even as a child). How I ate was typical for an average American; some candy here and there, cookies, cake and or some ice cream for dessert, balanced meal with a starch (complex carb), vegetables and protein (meat). Note: the "junk" food is mentioned first. Depression continued to plague me. It was a battle I was fighting by myself. Often, I called it my depression because I thought I was the only one that could relate to it. It was my own battle. Just as it is for many others; life kept going on, and I kept feeling worse.

I hit 30, started gaining more weight, acne that I've had all of my life got worse. Depression caused my anger and temper to flare constantly, making it difficult for those I cared about to be around me.  I had no motivation or energy to make changes. Besides that, I had no idea what changes to make considering for the most part I was pretty average for a healthy person, or so I thought.

Most of my labs came back fairly normal (minor change in cholesterol) but my doctor did notice weight gain combined with the lab result. Over the years she knew most of my habits. She asked me how many jobs I was working, at the time it was three. She asked me what stressors I had going on in my life. My mom was living with me, my relationship that I thought was fairly stable, hit some snags with difficult times we weren't working through well. Insomnia and depression seem to keep me pretty low, and as an energetic person it surprisingly became a  horrible struggle to get out of bed most days.

She took a deep breath, looked at me and said by the next time I saw her I had to leave one of the jobs behind and focus on what ones brought me the most fulfillment, and that I couldn't see myself giving up. Just one. I was shocked and torn between feeling like it was possible and impossible. If she was right and it was possible and even a good health choice, how could I do it? I felt I was barely making it with the three jobs. I loved all three work environments too. If she was right though, I could do it, it could be the best thing I ever did. And it was a start. Her questions made me pause to think what else did I need to change to feel better. I found myself asking; when did I feel at my best, what things did I have to do to allow me to be my best self, and the final questions I needed to ask myself; what did Health look like to me and what made me feel my healthiest?

I thought back to when I felt the healthiest. Three areas seemed to be the focal points. When I ate nourishing meals that focused more on vegetables (lots of color) and protein (variety for me). Admitting this also has me realizing I was a junk food junkie. Oftentimes on the go, I would grab something quick and easy which often consisted of chips, cookies, or candy. Which usually left me feeling worse, more tired and less motivated.I felt when I challenged myself with something physically and balanced it with something mentally challenging, I felt more alive. It could be one of the same or two different things. Something new or something I used to do and needed to expand on. I needed both to be my best self. It had been quite a while since I had challenged myself to do something other than education and schooling.

I also realized that my coping skills that I had adapted into my life, were not working anymore. I needed to make a change to be more emotionally mature and stable in myself. To do that, I knew I needed to look closely and thoroughly into myself. To do all this I needed time. I realized my doctor was right, to be able to make these choices, I did have to give up one job to allow myself time to live my life to become my healthiest and best self.I decided to work on one thing  at a time until it became easy for me to do. I knew if I took too much on, I would struggle more to make changes.

I allowed myself to love being creative in the kitchen. I focused on nourishing meals that didn't have all the fillers of refined carbs and sugars. (Breads, pastas, grains, and processed foods)I chose to learn to rock climb, with the goal of climbing outside as a completion. I loved it so much that I made the goal in 4 months. I signed up for mud obstacle course races. Originally it was just one, by the end of the year it was more like 6 races that I completed. 

Along the way, I learned  to enjoy life again and accepted obstacles as a moment to reflect and adjust my perspective. I learned how to be my best friend; to and for myself.  Playing mediator and devil's advocate between my child-like side and my overly critical harsh side. Learning to accept each side of me as I got to observe and know myself more in-depth. It took over a year to feel comfortable with my changes and not feel like I was struggling with so many adjustments. Of course life throws some curveballs, starting the center and Covid were some big ones for me.

The shutdown was  another adjustment for me,  it posed some new challenges. I was ready. I applied what I had learned to  allow myself to breathe, trust and focus on what I needed and wanted. Due to fear, I really contemplated going back to the hospital (aka 3 jobs). I reminded myself how far I have come. I asked myself, did I really want to go back to what I knew, due to fear? Or did I want to continue moving forward and seeing where I could go next? I decided to trust the process I started and see where it took me. I got a lot done working on household projects that had taken a backseat. The majority of my time was and is still spent with my animals. I expanded my flock and  got more chickens. They are growing and becoming more settled. 🐔 Now, several come and find me in the yard and will ask to be hand fed. I also have had seven kids born  this year to my does (female goats). They are the most affectionate little guys.  🐐  Two will run up to me and ask for attention quite loudly.  I also spent much needed time with my horses, cats and dogs as well. We loved it.  They all complain when I have long work days and weeks now and when I am home I am followed room to room and house to barn and field. They remind me to breathe and take time for myself and us. I had to be very honest with myself with the shut down, so I didn't sink into old habits. I worked through mental challenges to change and be healthier, I kept working on it. I allowed myself to grieve, to feel the loss of the past, my career as I knew it and allow for the future to come as it would (will) and being open to receive my new life as it unfolds.  Choosing how I want my best self to be, each day.  My time with my animals replaced my time rock climbing and running. My eating habits definitely had some road bumps and ups and downs. The challenges have fluctuated throughout. 

With the curve balls calming down a bit, I'm able to adjust and decide what I want to apply and work on next to allow me to continue living my best life and adjusting/shifting to allow for me to be at my healthiest. 

My biggest lesson, to find what health is for me; has been to be kind, give grace and understanding to myself so I may accept and love myself, communicating honestly and openly with myself as I transition from one stage to another. I will keep asking myself what health means to me and how I want to keep adjusting it, to fit my current stage of life. I hope you do too. 

 I leave you with this quote, that I find to be a great reminder for me. “When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, strength cannot fight, intelligence cannot be applied, art cannot become manifest, wealth becomes useless.” -Ancient Greek physician Herophilus

Thank you, for taking the time for yourself and sharing it with me. I hope you can take something from my story and see where you can go with it. 


Samantha Bayless LMT, CPT


Amethyst Biomat


Amethyst Biomat

Special Introduction Price

Now-Oct. 31,2020. $20 for 30 minutes

Biomats are very outgoing creatures. Their whole purpose is to help people feel better,and the more people they can help the better!!!

Their are many benefits from a session on a biomat. Raises core body temperatures,which helps increase enzymes. Relieves anxiety,improves mood, and promotes relaxation. Repairs soft tissue, relieves pain, improves skin, increases metabolism, boosts immune system, fights infection, detoxifies.

Time Out…You Deserve It!

We all get 24 hours in a day….Some days may feel like 48, others may feel like 5. The fact of the matter is, no matter what we do, time is here to stay. Time stops for no one. But it’s what we do with our time that matters most. If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed, sometimes ya just gotta take a step back a take an adult time out. That’s right, take a seat on the bench on the playground, take a moment on your couch, or heck just stop and listen to some good music without interruptions. I tell you this because I am queen of go-go-go! I always feel like I should be someplace or doing something. It’s hard for me to slow my butt down! I can easily get caught up in the moment, forget to chill and just breathe. Ya know what I mean? But I’ll tell ya, I’ve really had to take my own time out lately. Lemme let you in on a secret. It’s something I still have to practice and learn each day….If you make the time, to take the time, all will work out in your favor and you will live easier. That’s right, easier and more fulfilled. Taking a time out can help you get in more of a flow state. By flowing, we’re able to be in the moment, aid our self-growth, and build our self-confidence. Being in the flow, we aren’t caught up in the who, what, where, when, and how. Patience is a virtue my friends. Patience. Just breathe with me as you read this. I’m also queen of storytelling so here’s another one for ya to munch on…. When I was small (and now) I loved to talk! I loved to talk so much so, that when I would back-talk, my mom told me to go to my room for time out. I ABSOLUTELY HATED THIS! I couldn’t fathom the concept of not talking to anyone for 10 or 15 minutes. She told me to sit on my bed quietly and think about what I done. It killed me inside. This put a wrinkle in my chain. Little, did my mom know then, what I know now, taking a time out was probably the best thing that cooled me off from my temper tantrum. Heck, I probably would’ve gotten my jaw smacked if I didn’t sit in contemplation mode. So else how does this help us when we’re adults? It gives us a break. Life is busy. And as they say, life happens when make other plans. Often times we’re so busy making those plans, we forget to be in the moment. Think about how many times you’ve ran to the phone to instantly check that text message. Or keep checking your email even though you’re supposed to spend the day with the kids. Time out allows us to be able to focus as well. Focus on the BIG picture. Feeling stressed? Take a time out. Feeling tired? Take a time out. Feeling all over the place? Take a time out. Just because you are “adulting” doesn’t mean you have to forget yourself and SLOW THE HECK DOWN. The world will not stop rotating because you a took a day to get your nails done, binge watch your favorite TV show, take a nap, or read your favorite book. If anything, taking a time out may even make you feel more fulfilled when you are busy because you can appreciate that you took the time out to gather your thoughts. Don’t think sh*t will hit the fan if you take time for yourself. If anything, even if it does hit, at least you weren’t there to witness it. (HA!) But seriously, I urge you to recognize there is power in taking time for yourself. Power in being ok will taking breaks every now and then to feel rejuvenated. The next time you’re feeling stuck in a rut, not sure what direction to go, take a time out. I appreciate you. And you need to appreciate you. Sending you love and light. Till the next time,


Intuitive Eating Health Coach



Aromatherapy for Stress Reduction

It’s a safe bet in today’s current climate you have experienced more than the usual amount of stress, anxiety and mental fatigue. Most people I encounter are somewhat familiar with essential oils and that it can be utilized for physical ailments & issues. However, the majority of people aren’t aware of how aromatherapy works in addressing the stressors of everyday life. In this short blog I hope to give you a simple introduction of how it works & how you can easily incorporate it into your everyday life. 

Essential oils contain thousands of chemical constituents that when inhaled interact with the limbic system of the brain which controls emotions. With a long sustained inhalation practice you get the oils into your lung tissue in which the blood passes through. This allows it to have various affects on the physical body depending on what you wish to target. What is sustained inhalation? It is the practice of taking l..o..n..g…s..l..o..w…d..e..e..p… breaths. Doing this does SO many great things for you even without essential oils. It stimulates the vagus nerve which supports your body in the rest/repair mode. Oddly enough humming does too. Hmmmmm.. :-D

If you asked me to tell you my favorite oil I’d be hard pressed to narrow it down to just a few but I’ll try. The following oils are what I call “work horse” oils in that they have the ability to assist in SO many different issues I couldn’t possibly include them all in a short blog post. For purposes of our topic I will be discussing them in regards to stress reduction.

Hyssop: applied topically to the area just below the sternum it can aid in relaxing the diaphragm. Relaxing the diaphragm deepens the breath which as mentioned above stimulates the vagus nerve. Do a quick search on the vagus nerve as it’s super important in putting the body into the rest/repair state. On the energetic level it’s my go-to for clearing aggressive energy as it expands the heart chakra.  Hot top: make yourself a human diffusor with hyssop at your next family get together or when you have to be around that bristly hostile individual.

Basil: this beauty isn’t just for caprese salads. Basil has been a staple in our home the last few months with all of the constant & fast paced changes we’ve been having to make lately  Basil is very soothing & restoring to the nervous system & helps you to be more adaptable to change. We love a adding basil to some unscented castile soap & adding to a bath at the end of a long day. 

Vetiver: Ahhh…the oil of tranquility.  While not one of the “pretty”  scented oils; vetiver’s earthy aroma is very grounding, soothing &  calming to the mind. At our house we use it before bedtime as it’s been referenced for aiding in putting the body into rest & repair mode. 

Marjoram: is known for relaxing the muscles. How is this relevant to stress?  When you are stressed & have anxiety you hold tension in the body. Just as hyssop helps to relax the diaphragm which stimulates that famous vagus nerve; relaxing the muscles help to calm the body. My mantra is “Calm the body to calm the mind” …..even my somewhat skeptical husband uses this oil every singe day ya’ll. I dilute it in an alcohol base spray for ease of use.

Lemongrass: is in the “cure-all” category as well meaning that it does SO many things for the body & mind. In regards to stress, I love it as it is referenced for calming & soothing to the nervous system & as a stimulant to the parasympathetic system ( rest/repair) Again, when stressed, the body & nerves are on high alert. Calming the nervous system & deepening the breath & relaxing the physical body are at the core of reducing stress. 

* hot tip: have a hard time meditating? Try it right after you’ve been very physically active as the body is fatigued & less resistant to the restful state. That’s why so many people have sleep issues but that’s a whole ‘nother blog ;-)

* sourced from &  Salvatore Battaglia “The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy”  ( seriously the best reference manual I’ve encountered. It’s at least 5 books in 1. Worth every penny!

~Kristi Forrest ~ Aromatherapist & Energy Healing    502-396-9680

If your curiosity is piqued & you would like to more experiences with aromatherapy contact the AHHA Center in Bardstown, KY for their next aromatherapy event.

To purchase quality essential oils and crystals contact Tammy Felker at : 

AHHA Center

200 E John Rowan Blvd, Suite A&BBardstown, KY 40004

 502-292-8723   or   502-650-1586


Aromatherapy & Sleep

Marriage made in the Garden

Raise your hand if the minute you lay down to rest at night only to have your brain go into full active mode replaying all the events of the day or things you have to get done the next day as well as every aggravating issue in your life. The most common reason for this is that the majority of people are in a constant state of fight/flight mode. When stressed you tend to breath in short shallow breaths which automatically puts the body into fight/flight mode which causes more stress effects on the body. Ugh! It’s a vicious circle  and the good news is that CAN be broken with consistent effort. 

The amount of people with poor sleep issues is astonishing. This is a deep & comprehensive topic that I couldn’t possibly encompass the entire scope in one blog. I can however share a few aromatherapy tools that can be helpful in getting better rest.

Essential oils affect the body on many levels & in this context we are targeting the calming of the body so deeper sleep can occur. 

The first step is deepening the breath. Even with no essential oils you can aid the body in relaxing by simple focusing on taking deeper breaths. Do a little research on the vagus nerve & you’ll find just how important this often overlooked powerhouse nerve is in our health & vitality. Deep breaths stimulate the vagus nerve which stimulates the rest/repair mode of the body. 

Add some aromatherapy to those deep breaths & you’ll experience a tail wind effect of resting better. My mantra: Calm the body to calm the mind which is what most of the following oils are designed to do. 

My favorite oil for deepening the breath is hyssop. It can be diluted & applied topically to the sternum which is where the diaphragm is. Again, research the vagus nerve & you’ll find that the diaphragm is key to taking deeper breaths which stimulates the vagus nerve putting the body into the rest/repair mode. Hyssop even just inhaled in slow deep breaths helps to relax & deepen the breath. It’s also my favorite oil reducing negative situations & encounters. Energetically it’s fantastic to reduce aggressive energy as it activates the heart center. 

If you ever attend one of my classes you’ll most likely hear me espouse my LOVE for the overlooked oil of long ago. Mugwort isn’t one of those pretty smelling oils & for some it’s an acquired love but I promise you it’s affects are AMAZING! Mugwort activates the right brain big picture thinking. This isn’t going to put you to sleep but it can make you feel less reactive to stressful events. The more your brain grinds on a stressful event to enmeshed you become in it. Being able to distance yourself & activate big picture thinking puts you into a less reactive mode. 

Vetiver: it’s earthy aroma is very grounding, soothing & calming to the mind. At our house we keep it on the nightstand to use it before bedtime as it’s been referenced for aiding in putting the body into rest & repair mode. Open a bottle & take 5-15 long slow deep breaths. The longer & slower you can your respiration cycle to be the easier your body will be able to slip into better rest. 

Lavender: welcome to what I call the “Swiss Army knife” of oils. Lavender has SO many chemical constituents in it that it can be utilized in almost any situation. For this topic  it is used to sooth nervous tension , calms the emotions & a busy mind.  My motto has always  been “When in doubt, work with lavender.”

Coffee oil?   Yes, coffee!: even if you don’t drink coffee, the essential oil is a wonderful energetic cleanser. It’s been referenced in greatly reducing tension which helps calm the body, energetic congestion & physical blockages. Ya know how coffee can send you to the restroom?  It’s color energetically  is orange which makes it very expelling. That’s why ;-) 

Tip: if you don’t have coffee oil you can take a 20 minute hot bath with freeze dried coffee. Careful as it can stain white tubs.

These are a few of my go to oils to assist in getting better sleep. I also offer aromatherapy protocols that take these steps deeper into the issue. If you wish to have a session you may contact me at:  502-396-9680

Wishing you all better sleep & more vitality in your life.

Kristi Forrest

If your curiosity is piqued & you would like to more experiences with aromatherapy contact the AHHA Center in Bardstown, KY for their next aromatherapy event.

To purchase quality essential oils and crystals contact Tammy Felker at : 

AHHA Center

200 E John Rowan Blvd, Suite A&B Bardstown, KY 40004

 502-292-8723   or   502-650-1586

Energetics of Aromatherapy

What does that even mean? Energetics of aromatherapy is simply working with the vibrational frequency of plant material  that have been distilled into essential oils. Clear as mud? It does sound pretty out there, doesn’t it? 

You have felt energy before. Every time you walk into a room & you feel the tension is so thick you could “cut it with a knife”, or  that person that makes you feel better just being in their presence. 

Most people are familiar with the physical affects aromatherapy has on the body. Essential oils consist of thousands of chemical constituents that when inhaled are processed by the limbic system of the brain. That’s the part that of the brain where the emotion directives are centered. Essential oils calm the muscles & the nervous system all making us feel more relaxed & peaceful. Still, what is it all this about the energetics of oils? 

For my simple mind, I like the visual of wi-fi or a radio station. The energy is there unseen in our environment. The question is which frequency do you want to tap into? Each essential oil has a frequency with varying affects on your energy field.

Crystals are also another great example. We know the hold information & transmit energy as they have been used in watches, computer & radios. They too hold a certain frequency based on their particular makeup of mineral elements. 

In short; when you open a bottle of essential oil the energetic frequency has already started to interact with your energy field. With intention  of inhalation you can direct the energy through your consciousness.  Here’s an easy exercise you can try at home. You must use an essential oil that is unadulterated by manmade chemicals otherwise it will not have the same affect on your body & mind. Synthetic oils just smell  kind of like an oil. They do NOT work the same.  You can try this with any oil but two that work great are marjoram or hyssop. 

Once you’ve chosen your oil, dilute a few drops in a teaspoon of oil base or unscented lotion. Before applying it get a baseline of  how your arms feel by moving them around & flexing your joints. Are they achy or stiff? Is there any pain? Next, apply  the oil to your wrist, elbow & shoulder . Do a few long slow deep inhalations with it  & after 30-60 seconds reassess how your joints feel after the oil application. Has the achiness diminished any ? Are your joints less stiff ?  Typically people will report their joints feel more lubricated & lighter. 

Now, hold the essential oil under your nose, close your eyes & take 5 slow deep diaphragm breaths. Now put your awareness on the shoulder of the opposite arm that you did not apply oil. With eyes closed breath in & think of the entire shoulder joint. The front, back & the armpit. Take several deep breaths while focusing on this area. When ready, proceed to put your awareness on your elbow; the entire joint. Again, take several slow deep breaths while focusing on the elbow. Next, move your awareness to your wrist & then the entire hand. Stay here for several more deep breathes. 

If there’s pain, allow the energy of the oil to go the the area of pain & take as many deep breaths as you feel comfortable taking. Once you’ve completed this exercise, compare the two arms. Which one feels lighter? Which one has better range of motion? How do they feel different to you?

 If your curiosity is piqued & you would like to more experiences with aromatherapy contact the AHHA Center in Bardstown, KY for their next aromatherapy event.

To purchase quality essential oils and crystals contact Tammy Felker at : 

AHHA Center

200 E John Rowan Blvd, Suite A&BBardstown, KY 40004

 502-292-8723   or   502-650-1586

Kristi Forrest ~ Aromatherapist & Energy Wellness practitioner    502-396-9680

Two great reference for understanding energetics of the body & aromatherapy are:

Dr. Valerie Hunt, “Infinite Mind, the Science of Human Vibrations

Valerie Ann Worwood, “The Fragrant Heavens”