Time Out…You Deserve It!

We all get 24 hours in a day….Some days may feel like 48, others may feel like 5. The fact of the matter is, no matter what we do, time is here to stay. Time stops for no one. But it’s what we do with our time that matters most. If you’re finding yourself overwhelmed, sometimes ya just gotta take a step back a take an adult time out. That’s right, take a seat on the bench on the playground, take a moment on your couch, or heck just stop and listen to some good music without interruptions. I tell you this because I am queen of go-go-go! I always feel like I should be someplace or doing something. It’s hard for me to slow my butt down! I can easily get caught up in the moment, forget to chill and just breathe. Ya know what I mean? But I’ll tell ya, I’ve really had to take my own time out lately. Lemme let you in on a secret. It’s something I still have to practice and learn each day….If you make the time, to take the time, all will work out in your favor and you will live easier. That’s right, easier and more fulfilled. Taking a time out can help you get in more of a flow state. By flowing, we’re able to be in the moment, aid our self-growth, and build our self-confidence. Being in the flow, we aren’t caught up in the who, what, where, when, and how. Patience is a virtue my friends. Patience. Just breathe with me as you read this. I’m also queen of storytelling so here’s another one for ya to munch on…. When I was small (and now) I loved to talk! I loved to talk so much so, that when I would back-talk, my mom told me to go to my room for time out. I ABSOLUTELY HATED THIS! I couldn’t fathom the concept of not talking to anyone for 10 or 15 minutes. She told me to sit on my bed quietly and think about what I done. It killed me inside. This put a wrinkle in my chain. Little, did my mom know then, what I know now, taking a time out was probably the best thing that cooled me off from my temper tantrum. Heck, I probably would’ve gotten my jaw smacked if I didn’t sit in contemplation mode. So else how does this help us when we’re adults? It gives us a break. Life is busy. And as they say, life happens when make other plans. Often times we’re so busy making those plans, we forget to be in the moment. Think about how many times you’ve ran to the phone to instantly check that text message. Or keep checking your email even though you’re supposed to spend the day with the kids. Time out allows us to be able to focus as well. Focus on the BIG picture. Feeling stressed? Take a time out. Feeling tired? Take a time out. Feeling all over the place? Take a time out. Just because you are “adulting” doesn’t mean you have to forget yourself and SLOW THE HECK DOWN. The world will not stop rotating because you a took a day to get your nails done, binge watch your favorite TV show, take a nap, or read your favorite book. If anything, taking a time out may even make you feel more fulfilled when you are busy because you can appreciate that you took the time out to gather your thoughts. Don’t think sh*t will hit the fan if you take time for yourself. If anything, even if it does hit, at least you weren’t there to witness it. (HA!) But seriously, I urge you to recognize there is power in taking time for yourself. Power in being ok will taking breaks every now and then to feel rejuvenated. The next time you’re feeling stuck in a rut, not sure what direction to go, take a time out. I appreciate you. And you need to appreciate you. Sending you love and light. Till the next time,


Intuitive Eating Health Coach





