I almost feel like a hypocrite for saying this, but I’ve had a really hard time with self-assurance lately. I reckon this is why I had to rant about it. Not only does it help me to write about it, from a place of vulnerability and hold myself accountable, but I hope it helps you understand the beauty of how and why to become more self-assured.
So what the heck is it; right? To me, self-assurance starts with self-awareness. By becoming aware of who you are as a person, what you like, what you dislike, all makes you tune in to your own self-awareness. At least for me anyways, I’ve had to dig deep to find out who I am at my core. This takes some major soul searching, but I promise you will get there.
My next tip to finding your own self-assurance starts with self-worth. Lots of times, I always felt like I needed others validation in order to prove my own worthiness. This can be a hindrance on our own growth and living up to our fullest potential. When I’m not at my best peak state of mind, I can easily get caught in my head and overthinking EVERY. LITTLE. THING! Have you done this? Gosh, I HATE overthinking. Remember my post about taking an adult time out awhile back? If not, check it out. That’s why taking an adult time out is oh so important for mental health.
Thirdly, self-assurance has caused me to trust. Trust what is meant for me will be. Trusting that good things are going to happen FOR YOU NOT AGAINST YOU eases the burden of not being able to trust. From my own personal journey, it’s hard to trust when you can’t see light at the end of the tunnel. I knew this all too well when I was recovering from my eating disorders. I never would’ve thought intuitive eating would last. You can read more on my journey here. But other things and situations in my life have made me rely on a higher power to lead the way when I felt weak and unsure. I’m thankful for that.
Lastly, self-assurance take grit, stamina, integrity…Whatever you wanna call it. Self-assurance takes that focus and eager to be strong even if you feel weak. You don’t have to walk around with a cob up your you know what, but you can walk around like you are driven and passionate. Being passionate is a great attribute to becoming confident in your own skin. It can get overlooked if you aren’t careful.
You see, these tips are something I’ve struggled with time and time again. But with practice, compassion, and self-love, I have to say, self-assurance is possible. It’s totally possible to love who you are, take time for others, and walk away from those feelings and emotions that no longer serve you. Have a good day, and we will definitely talk soon!
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